West Shires School of Complementary Health
Complementary and Therapy Training Wales​

Call/Email us : 07765908737 /westshiresch@gmail.com
West Shires School of Complementary Health
Address: Better Health and Wellbeing Hub
Parc Dewi Sant, Building 1, Jobswell Road, Johnstown, Carmarthen SA31 3HB
Better Health and Wellbeing Hub: www.therapycarmarthen.co.uk

West Shires School of Complementary Health
Cancellation Policy
Please read full information below.
If you wish to amend your booking or transfer to a different course, please contact either Hannah Freimanis - Director of Studies or Cheryl Hawkes - Principal, either through the contact section on the website or email westshirech@gmail.com. You will then be informed if this change is possible. If it is possible we will let you know about any additional fees that may be due, or anything else which would be necessary as a result of your requested change and ask you to confirm whether you wish to go ahead with the change. See information below.
If we cancel a course we will discuss with you the possibility of transferring you to a different course or the same course with future dates. It is necessary that we obtain sufficient numbers to run any course which is why this may become necessary.
We require a Registration Booking form to be completed before a course as this reserves your place. If you have not submitted the form and a deposit the place will not be held for you.
For larger courses we may ask for your CV and send you a pre-course questionnaire to complete. For Diploma courses there is often a short Pre-course Assignment to complete.
If you no longer want to undertake a course or workshop you have registered for and want to cancel more than 28 days before it is due to start, we will offer you a full refund. However if you have paid by card, we will have to deduct any fees we have been charged for that booking.
If you no longer want to undertake a course or workshop and want to cancel within 7 to 14 days before it is due to start then we will try to refill your place and provided we do, we will offer you a full refund less any fees we have been charged by the card payment company, if this is applicable. If we cannot refill your space you will not be entitled to any refund.
No refund is offered for cancellations received by us within 7 days of when a course is due to start or if you do not show up on the day of the workshop or the first day/weekend of the course, unless this has been previously discussed with the course tutor. No refund is given if a student leaves a course during it's duration.
We offer staged payment options on most of our courses. This however, is on the strict understanding that if a student should pull out of a course before the end - then the full fees MUST be paid immediately.
No Certificate of completion/Diploma certificate will be issued until all course fees have been paid.